Thomas Fabian Eder arbeitet als freier Kulturmanager und Wissenschaftler in Berlin.
Noch während des Studiums war er Mitbegründer der Kollaborationsplattform Illutron in Kopenhagen und des jährlich wiederkehrenden seekult Festivals in Friedrichshafen. Ab 2014 arbeitete er primär in Berlin mit dem International Institut for Political Murder, Milo Rau, Jessica Glause, bigNOTWENDIGKEIT, dem Residenzort schloss Bröllin und Anderen. Für den Landesverband freie darstellende Künste Berlin leitete er den Distribution & Marketing Bereich des Performing Arts Programm, bevor er die Koordination des Fachbesucherprogramms und der internationalen Beziehungen des Performing Arts Festivals übernahm. Das Rechercheprojekt „An Introduction to the Independent Performing Arts in Europe” wurde 2018 unter seiner Leitung vom europäischen Verband der freien darstellenden Künste herausgegeben und ist Grundlage für seine darauf aufbauende Promotion “Organizational Structure and Participatory Governance in the Field of Independent Performing Arts in Europe” an der Ludwig-Maximilian-Universität München.
Thomas Fabian Eder is an independent art manager and researcher based in Berlin.
During and after his studies, he initiated the collaborative art studio Illutron in Copenhagen as well as the annual seekult festival in Friedrichshafen. Based in Berlin since 2014, he managed initiatives as well as productions in collaboration with the International Institute for Political Murder, Milo Rau, bigNOTWENDIGKEIT, the residency space schloss bröllin & many others. For the Berlin Performing Arts Program, he developed the Distribution & Marketing Office in 2016 and thereafter took on the Performing Arts Festivals international collaborations, the conception of its professionals program and its show case format, which he signs responsible for until today. After having conducted and published a first research comparing independent performing arts structures in Europe, he since 2019 pursues a doctorate concerning the “Organizational Structure and Participatory Governance in the Field of Independent Performing Arts in Europe” in collaboration with the European Association for Independent Performing Arts and the Ludwig Maximilian University Munich.