Ada Mukhina

Ada Mukhina

Ada Mukhína (geboren 1988 in St. Petersburg / lebt in Berlin) ist eine nomadische Regisseurin, Autorin und Performerin. Nach dem Abschluß ihres Jurastudiums studierte sie an dem Sankt-Petersburg Institut für Darstellende Künste. Als Chevening Scholar schloss sie einen MA in Advanced Theatre Practice an der Royal Central School of Speech and Drama in London ab. Ihre neuesten Stücke, wie die humorvolle Lecture-Performance "How to Sell Yourself To the West", die feministische performative Konzerenz "Locker Room Talk" und die partizipative Serie über Risiko in der Kunst und Künstler*innen at Risk "Risk Lab" wurden im Deutschen Theater Berlin, dem Meyerhold Theatre Center in Moscow und am Camden People's Theatre in London gezeigt. Sie erhielt das Berlin-Stipendium der Akademie der Künste, das Bundeskanzler-Stipendium der Alexander von Humboldt Stiftung und ist ein Fellow des Laboratory for Global Performance and Politics der Georgetown University.

Ada Mukhína (born in 1988 in St. Petersburg / based in Berlin) is a nomadic theatre director, author, and performer. After completing her law degree, she studied at the St. Petersburg Theatre Academy. As a Chevening Scholar, she earned MA in Advanced Theatre Practice at the Royal Central School of Speech and Drama in London. Her recent works such as a humorous lecture-performance "How to Sell Yourself To the West", the feminist performative conference "Locker Room Talk", and the participatory series about risk in art and artists at risk "Risk Lab", have been presented at the Deutsches Theater in Berlin, the Meyerhold Theatre Center in Moscow, and the Camden People's Theatre in London. She has been awarded a Berlin fellowship from the Academy of Arts in Berlin, a German Chancellor Fellowship from the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, and a Fellowship from the Laboratory for Global Performance and Politics at Georgetown University.

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